Can you feel it in the air? Can you feel the thrum of battle-drums – the stinging clash of steel and the thunderous pattering of thousands of marching footfalls? Such is the call of war, the call of bloodshed and glorious combat. Such is the call of Conquest, where victory is determined through strategic might and impeccable maneuvering, and the defeated are forever erased from the annals of history.
Come join this 2-Day tournament of Conquest The Last Argument of Kings at 2000pts.
The event pack can be found here.
The event will run Saturday 28th September and Sunday 29th.
In addition there will be tables available for casual gaming on the Friday 27th of September from 2pm. So come along and say hi to the guys from Para Bellum and get a game or two in early!
The Lee Valley Indoor Athletics Centre, 61 Meridian Way, Edmonton, London N9 0AR, UK.
Where can I get tickets:
Tickets can be purchased from our webstore here.